Malaysian Golden Global Awards: Short Film Competition 2016

DATELINE 30th of November 2016


The MGGA Short Film competition is a platform for the new and potential rising filmmaker to showcase their talents! MGGA Short Film Competition is open to worldwide.

The theme of MGGA Short Film competition is PASSION and the submission begins on the 1st of September 2016 closing on 30th of November 2016, Malaysia time11:59PM. The winner will receive Ringgit Malaysia 2,000, a trophy and the most exciting part is that the winning short film will have the opportunity to screen at Malaysia International Film Festival!

Awards & Prizes

Malaysia Golden Global Awards entry tickets 
Winning film will be screened at the Malaysia International Film Festival

Rules & Terms

1. This competition is open to worldwide. 
2. Films must be original pieces of work and contain no copyright material, except from certified permission is given by the owner of the films. 
3. Please notice that MGGA Short Film Competition only accepts short films not exceed more than 20 minutes. 
4. Please submit the films through 
5. Jury’s decision is final, no appeal will be accepted. 
6. The organiser has the right to disqualify an entry if ANY of the following circumstances is met: 
- Film exceeding 20 minutes, including title and credits. 
- Visual scenes or dialogues showing sensitive topics (sexuality, religion, politics, violence, etc.) 
- Film has been entered to a competition prior to this. 
- Participant fails to submit all the required documents. 
- Film not in the specifications required. 
7. The organiser reserves the rights to use the submitted film for publicity purposes.

1. The submission is from September 1st to November 30th, 2016. 
2. Deadline: November 30th , 2016, 11:59PM (Malaysia local time) 
3. Only online application is accepted. 
4. Submitted film must be in .mov format, with video quality of HD 1080P. 
5. All films must contain at least one language subtitle: English Language subtitle

1. Selected films will receive a notification email. Once receive the email, participants should email back requested materials as below: 
- A Hi- resolution personal photo, biography & filmography of the director 
- Trailer / Poster / Original sound track (if available) 
2. The organizer holds right to use the film still/text/extracts (limited 5% of the total length and not exceeding 2 min.) provided by the participants for promotion of the film. This regulation applies equally for the internet use.

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